
Monday 5 April 2010

Aquafilia on Flickr and the use of expletives..

Well I dont know a while ago I came across a picture on Flickr which took the cover of a Dr Seuss book, Green Eggs and Ham and changed the title to what the Fuck is this Shit?..
In the comments section I thought I would enter into the spirit of things and left this comment Green eggs and Ham you Cunt..
A couple of Months pass by and I notice a comment about me made by the person who posted the picture telling me I was a perverted low life  amongst other things.. They had also removed my original comment so I didnt know what they were on about.
At first I wondered what I had said to stir this person up so much that they could actually publish libellous comments, then when I looked at the picture that I commented on my memory came back..
The writing on the picture what the fuck is this shit was replied to in the same vein by me - green eggs and ham you cunt
The humour in the picture was created by changing the original title of a childrens book and replacing it with a comment which used profanity therefore I thought my  reply was both appropriate and funny too however for whatever reason (I think lack of braincells or overuse of the one that actually exists) caused the person to imply that I had made some sort of perverted comment on the posted picture. This overstepped the mark with me as I do not take kindly to being made out to be a pervert especially when lots of people read someones comments.
Anyway I wrote to this person and asked them to withdraw the comments they had made which they did and by way of explanation said that they thought I had called them a cunt which made me think does it make you a pervert to call some one a cunt?
All I can say is this people should actually think before publishing comments about people and how someone can call someone some really derisory and damaging names because they feel they have been insulted is beyond me.. 

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